Muji Bed Pod

makes bedtime easy

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Understanding the People


Interviewing people was the first step I took in my research. I wanted to make sure I really understood peoples needs around lighting. I asked people a wide variety of questions that helped me realize that many people liked the aspect of interaction. This inspired me to create a light that was interactive and friendly.


How might we make bedtime fun for children?

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As I was doing research I came across the problem of children having anxiety regarding bedtime. This problem inspired me to gear my persona towards children.


Kids have a hard time going to sleep at night… Why?


I found the main reason kids can’t fall asleep is because they are scared, feel lonely, and are stubborn. Currently what helps kids to fall asleep is having night lights, stuffed animals, and reading books to lull them to sleep.

I decided to focus on an incentive lighting product that could be a comforting companion to the child, acting as a stuffed animal, night light, and story teller.


How might we create a form that conveys a positive association?

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Once I knew I wanted the product to be for kids I focused on forms that would create positive associations for children. I took inspiration from every day objects that kids find comforting from toys to pillows to animals.


Soft & Subtle

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I tested children interacting with different forms, colors, textures, and experiences. Through this testing I found kids gravitated towards soft round shapes because it felt the most comforting. Since they are still developing their motor skills it was easier for them to imagine squeezing the device to activate the light and story. Squeezing the pod felt similar to the positive association that comes from giving a hug.


Bedtime Companion


My final selection was a squishy bed pod light. It helps kids with bedtime by being a companion. It is soft, squishy, and has a speaker inside.

During the day the bed pod would emit a soft glow which signals that there is a bedtime story inside the device. Once it is time for bed the child would hug the device and activate the bedtime story.


Making It

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First, I made my form with yellow foam and then created silicone molds.

Once that cured I poured silicone into the molds.

Finally, I did the process of “roto molding” to ensure the silicone coated all edges while still remaining hollow on the inside for the squishy effect.





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1. Through the MUJI to Sleep app the parent will choose the story they want to be played to the child, and the time the bed pod will be activated and turned off.

2. Press down to power on the bed pod. The pod will then display a soft pulsating glow in the day which lets the child know there is a story “inside”.

3. Once the child is in bed and cuddling the pod it will “blush” and the story will be told. The child will then fall asleep with a soothing bedtime story and soft glow.